So what can I do about it?
Many women who are attracted to the superb conditioning promised by Taebo, kickboxing, "boxercise" and the like have the false confidence that they are also learning realistic self-defense. This is a dangerous assumption that has the potential for greater injury than if the individual knew nothing and relied purely on instinct to survive and ran like hell.
Many women, realizing this, go in for traditional martial arts training, spending many years on kata (forms practice), sparring, and highly choreographed self-defense techniques. This type of training creates it's own share of problems:
• Violence is not a game. It doesn't end with a "tap out" or point. There are no rounds, rules or second chances. It ends when you or your attacker are ether dead or disabled. Period. Any training that diverges from that goal is both dangerous and delusional. Violence is best averted by avoiding it in the first place. Always remember that the best self-defense is Awareness and Avoidance with Escape the Number One objective. If you must fight to escape, you need methods that will give you the best chance to survive even if you're not an Olympic athlete.
• Forms are precisely executed techniques linked in a dance-like format that reflect the style of martial art they are part of. They provide a physical "dictionary" of specific responses to specific attacks. Unfortunately, real violence never looks like this. Ask any cop or soldier: Real violence is ugly, random and chaotic.
• Pattern Recognition: Real violence is chaos. What does that mean? If you can't run and you've been programmed by training a specific response to a specific attack, your defense will FAIL if the attack changes by even one inch from the way you've trained. This is why patterned self defense techniques based on "if-you-do-THAT-then-I'll-do-THIS" will get you killed.
• Sparring is a controlled sport with rules to prevent serious injury. Boxing restricts you to arm strikes and further restricts these to closed hand forward punches with padded gloves. Close-in fighting (where most real damage occurs) is limited by clinching, which is further restricted if it goes on too long. Kick-boxing adds leg strikes. "Ultimate" style fighting adds grappling. All are trained within a sporting context that has nothing to do with real life and death violence. Remember:
The way you train is the way you fight.
The most efficient method of training self defense would stress:
1. Awareness of your surroundings and avoidance of threatening situations.
2. Familiarity and cultivation of fear-driven, adrenaline-based motion and becoming comfortable with channeling your primitive fight or flight instincts to maximize whatever physical potential you have.
3. Free-form, unchoreographed and spontaneous use of every possible form of hitting, kicking, stomping, ripping, tearing, gouging, and biting that the human body is capable of delivering with every part of the body while simultaneously learning to avoid the same from the opponent and then get away, and to train all this in a safe and sane manner.
Personal training programs designed and crafted to meet your individual goals, and needs. Call to schedule a time to speak about your goals and desired outcome of a self-defense program.
1- Guided Chaos Combatives (GCC):
Simple, quick and deadly, this is the first level of Guided Chaos.
There are other World War II combative systems out there. Some are authentic and some are watered-down MacDojo nonsense. The best of these derive from the simple, effective techniques created for U.S. soldiers in World War II and used in thousands of documented police and military conflicts.
John Perkins takes these methods and supercharges them with principles from tai chi (internal energy) and Native American fighting concepts ("anything goes" adaptability). Understand that the original Close Quarters Combat developed by Colonel Rex Applegate, William Donovan and members of the OSS was lethal all by itself (it was devised because of a perceived inadequacy in our troops' Hand to Hand training compared to that of Japanese Soldiers schooled in Judo and Karate. This led to a training overhaul by our own military in the late 1930's and used in countless close engagements against Japanese troops in World War II.)
2- Guided Chaos:
Guided Chaos Combatives (above) is the first level of Guided Chaos. It teaches you the basic weaponry in a short period of time. You can then go on to learn the much more advanced mother art of Guided Chaos--a revolutionary system that frees your body and mind to fight with the natural animal motion best suited for humans. Rather than using robotic, regimented or sportive techniques, it focuses on pure adaptability to help you survive the unchoreographed chaos that characterizes every real life and death struggle. These methods are found nowhere else.
The creation of Guided Chaos: In 1978, ex-cop and former crime scene expert John Perkins broke away from all classical systems and created Ki Chuan Do ("The Way of the Spirit Fist") and the principles of Guided Chaos [in 1998 the name of the art itselfwas changed to Guided Chaos]. By abandoning all patterned technique training in favor of methods that promote spontaneity, creativity and adaptability, Perkins generated a tremendous amount of controversy among strict classicists but a lot of interest from security professionals, federal, state and metropolitan law enforcement officers as well as hand-to-hand tactics instructors from all branches of the U.S. military.
In Guided Chaos Contact/Combat Flow classes, everyone gets individual attention and learns at their own pace. You will never be subjected to regimented, robotic training typical of franchised MacDojos. Although we teach the most advanced internal principles right from the start, we hold nothing back and pack more into a 60 minute class than just about anyone...while making sure that everyone understands the concepts and gets the hands-on attention necessary. Training is intense, varied and fun--yet always focused on the goal of maximum combat adaptability and survival.
"Guided Chaos is a true link between Internal and External Martial Arts."
3- Guided Chaos Groundfighting (GCGF):
Like the rest of the art, GCGF has no techniques to lock up the mind. All REAL fights are un-patterned and unpredictable anyway. We emphasize principles of evasion and sensitivity that dictate you NOT attempt to control, grapple, lock up or otherwise directly engage the enemy (this leaves you vulnerable to multiple attackers). GCGF is not a sport. There's no "sparring" or point-fighting. You learn to fight ONLY to save your life. We teach reactive freedom so your body rolls, spins, snakes and slithers from control, like a mongoose or enraged alley cat. This is counter to most grappling philosophies. This is counter to most grappling philosophies which are not mirrored in nature. When was the last time you saw a leopard put a figure 4 lock on an antelope? They rake with claws and teeth, going for the throat and the kill. To save your life or the life of a loved one, we teach free-flowing sledgehammer kicks from the ground that to the uninformed look like break dancing--but are deadly serious and far simpler, along with strikes to the eyes and throat with no controlling or submission moves or counter-moves. The last thing you need is to tie up with a bigger and stronger attacker. Disable the enemy and escape. See our comprehensive Groundfighting article for more info.
4. Guided Chaos Combat Conditioning
People always ask: "How do I get better at Guided Chaos?" The answer is simple: Do the drills!
To develop the 5 Main Principles (Balance, Body Unity, Looseness,Sensitivity and Complete Combat Adaptability), Grandmaster Perkins created unique drills and exercises found in no other system. Many of them combine attributes trained in other internal arts (Tai Chi, Bagua, Hsing-i, etc.) that would ordinarily take years to master.
The GCCC classes are intense, targeted, focused workouts comprised of all the GC drills found in our books and videos. They are designed to improve your core GC attributes as rapidly as possible no matter what your level of skill. By attending regularly, your Contact/Combat Flow will show demonstrable, continual improvement--and thus your fighting ability.
5.- Guided Chaos Weapons:
From the military to civilians and even the police-- knife, gun and stick fighting is often taught unrealistically. Based on the brutal, bloody, forensic homicide research of former detective John Perkins plus Perkins' over 100 seriously violent arrests, this comprehensive component of the complete Guided Chaos system separates film fantasy from forensic fact and dojo delusions from real combat. The training provides you effectives methods based on actual combat while exposing popular gun disarms and flowery stick and knife defenses that can get you killed. This training includes:
• Drills: Knife vs. Knife Variations--Myth vs. Reality
• Native American (West Virginian Hill Country) Knife Fighting
• Knife on the Ground vs. Knife
• Drills: Knife vs. Knife Agility Drill
• Drills: Knife (or Pen) vs. Multiple Attackers
• Stand-up Kicking vs. The Knife
• Groundfighting vs. the Knife
• Drills: Bare-handed vs. the Knife
• Drill: Enclosed Fighting "The Hell-evator"
• Cane vs Knife
• Cane Fighting from the Ground vs. Knife
• Drills: Cane fighting From the Ground
• Drills: Cane vs. Multiple Attackers in Close Quarters
• Bare-hands to Handguns: Fantasy vs. Reality
• Accessing Your Gun Under Pressure
...and much, much more